Monday 13 October 2014


What is your Ambition in life?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What do you want to study at the university?
Where will you like to work after you graduate?

A famous person in one of her songs was asked, 'What is your Ambition in life?' And then surprisingly an answer that hit the mind of every intellectual came, and it was 'To be happy'. There can't be any more vague answer to that question, the reason for being alive is to be happy, but being alive can only be your Ambition if you are in a war, and that is for the time being, no war lasts forever; a great mind heard that and said 'Really, to be happy? Then you are dead'. This is not an article to criticise anyone, we all clearly have different opinions on different issues, but this is an article that if you can relate from, you know that if at even the age of 13 you are asked this question and you can't give a tangible answer something is wrong somewhere. Now sit down and ask yourself this questions?

What is my Ambition in life?
What do I want to do when I grow up?
Where do I see myself in 20 years?
What is my purpose for living?